Assassins Creed II Telemetry

Geographic Game Testing

This method has been introduced by Ubisoft amongst most of its latest AAA Titles. It was inspired by a combination of software such as Google Maps and Microsoft Pivot Viewer, but adapted to the reality of game telemetry. The tool allowed the designers to pin-point exactly in 3D space how players navigated the map, tailored to the specific research requirements (time, distance, pathways). The colour of the lines shows the speed at which the player is moving, showing where the player is contemplating their next move, or scaling a wall.

An example of the software used by game analysts and designers for Assassins Creed II is shown below. It had been noted some players were mot taking the appropriate path to complete the mission which involved parashuting from a ledge to reach the end point. This was made visible by the analysis tool which brought the alternate view to the designers attention; it showed how they made an unintended alternate path which bypassed the tutorial and was 'less fun'. It is critical that the players do not get lost at such an early stage in a games narrative, to ensure they are kept in the flow of the game (giving them the best possible gameplay experience).