First Essay : Revision of points / structure

How cognitive ergonomics can be used to inform  interactive user design within New Media.

Cognitive Ergonomics – what are they?

-       why do they matter?

-       Talk about new media and devices as biotic extensions of the body/ mind.

-       New media as devices that bridge the gap between man and data.

Technology is a tool

Man  >  tool  >  food

MAN  >  tool  >  data
Data = necessity in todays society

Better tools make data easy... optimising process.

Quicker data, better data. More specific. 

Interface – example of intuitive user input and feedback..

Page transistions – as natural as possible – relating to real world experience. Tactile as possible – or as tactile as tablet etc will permit. 
Real world example, link to Donald Norman -

push pull door ergonomic? – quote someone. Bar – push, handle pull, flat door push?

Digital evolution of keyboard - 
Keyboards are anchored to past interactions with typewriters / keyboards/ layouts never change – num. pad invented to make typing numbers in banks etc more efficient. – the following 20 years saw rise to a shrink in size for most devices – whilst becoming more powerful.

Reduction in size = reduction in keys – which have then to be given more than one function. Which we see in mobile devices and laptops – all linked to scale.

In some instances – keyboard size has been governed by the screen size of the media. Blackberry had a wider screen to accommodate the keys.

Ios devices have a landscape and portrait keyboard mode.

It all comes down to familiarity and whilst key order is the same – QWERTY.

The gaps between keys – key sizes and shapes always differ – and as such there can be a ‘familiarisation process’ which takes time. Notabily with the nokia N36 which involved keys running down each side of the screen – Insert Quote - this was a bold move – but after familiarisation – became just as easy to type on. But was limited to that device alone and screen size.

Cognitive  Ergonomics
New media – definition now – previous – BE GENERAL
Design interfaces (software) & technologies (hardware) that surround it.

usercentric design within new media – looks at how the user interacts with the product – and how the product learns from the user.

New media – EVOLUTION OF
definition hardware & software

Both will have advances that have meant a prompt change in the other.
both are linked
they CAN restrict each other.
pushing harware to the limit?

in context to the ipod - ADVANCEMENTS

Hardware meant that the colour of the screen was green
with advancements to the screen spec, meant that colour was introduced, and could be used in the software to assist the user – which made the product more informative – easier - to use AND more attractive to the user – (album artwork) etc.

gestalt of the interface – meant that software developers could implement optimal user interaction and refined design based on new hardware functionality.

facebook – social network – instant communication, access to multimedia on demand, networking with friends/community

past and present – Old mobile phones (Nokia example) used to be ‘new media’ but no longer fits the definition, a range of new technologies have been embraced under the new media umbrella (Social networks, mobile devices, technologies)

touch devices – new possibilities, fast change to new technology (embraced worldwide)

new interaction challenges – Multi-touch, finger obscuring interaction, scale,

Windows 8 multi-platform interaction recognition – user feeling familarised with devices they’ve never used before ( an elabourate version of the digital keyboard revolution, same interface but different method of interaction – touchpad, mouse, tablet )

jump to iGlasses (Google) – 6th Sense, new hardware input (complete removal of keyboard, touch interaction)

what innovation it will bring – seamless digital/real (removal of the screen (QUOTE), technology learning from the user (user centred design))

Ensure users are familiar with new means of user input – innovation will constantly push technology forward (SIRI iGLASS) people communication – natural, more so than physical touch (software affects hardware, hardware affects software) ever evolving process.

example of New Media in terms of software and hardware


Within this
design features that benefit EVERYONE
shortcuts, automatic processes (remembering passwords etc), useful data display HUD.

design features that benefit INDIVIDUALS
photoshop personalised shortcuts, keychain access, top sites, bookmarks,

design features that benefit EVERYONE
optimised keyboard layout – portrait landscape – gestalt.

design features that benefit INDIVIDUALS