Mine Area

The initial development of the mine area was to get something workable for one of the game's core skills (Mining...). I implemented two types of ore set within the respawnable rocks, gold and iron. The actual design of the mine has been influenced by previous projects I have worked on, I decided to first create what I thought a mine would look like in an imaginary world and then researched in to actual mining sites. What I found was that the crystals I first implemented, and the veins of rock which sit outside the mining entrance wouldn't actually happen in real life.

The scaffolding and timber A-frame structure for the entrance came from the visual research I did. I feel these elements give the environment a more believable weighting and allow the huge gold shards to exist without question.

Here are top-down views of the two mining spots currently within the world, they are similar as because I'm producing all the assets in the world at the same time (working from large scale items down to more refined objects such as plants). The thought behind the two seperate mining locations would be to provide an assortment of different ores which could be located at one specific mining spot (such as gold or silver).