Maxon Cinema 4D : Physical Renderer

I have recently being playing with the new physical render in Maxon Cinema 4D R13. The new renderer brings with it a lot of new perks. What stood out for me was the new photometric lighting (which, yes.. has been present in 3DsMax for a while now.) and the ability to use the virtual camera in the exact same way you would a real DSLR.

I can now have complete control over my scenes, modifying aperture, shutter speed, ISO, exposure and any other setting imaginable. Older versions of the software struggled to produce realistic depth of field, it would also clash with other modules of the program, for example : Applying glow to an object, and then clicking render would cause the image to render, then apply the depth and then apply the glow. This resulted in an anti-alias nightmare as the order in which the modules were applied was wrong and therefore would never work correctly.
With the new camera settings, adjusting the f-stop can produce some incredibly realistic depth of field within the 3D scenes. 

I have posted my tests below :