Bramble MK2 : Renders

The final A3 renders for the portfolio part of this project consists of four images: 

The basic turn around of the character (slightly angled to give a greater sense of depth)

The second turnaround shows the character with the gun accessory equipped, the robot angled back slightly to represent the weight of the gun. 

The next two are my stylised artistic impression of Ashley Wood's paintings. I used one of his paintings for the background environment - desaturated it, adjusted the levels for contrast, applied a gaussian blur to bring the model in focus and then applied an overall monochrome noise filter to give the impression of 'film grain' or a fast ISO camera. The character also has post-processing applied after the initial render, I've applied a soft glow to the edge-highlights of the model to really bring the robot out from the backdrop, Increasing the contrast, multiplying the grain from the stochastic sample and hand-painting metal highlights on a layer above the robot. To finish off I applied a layer mask to the robot, and gave a harsh black-transparent gradient from the bottom to the beginning of the elbow joint to give the robot a real grounding within the environment.