Molefa : Sketches

 From the information I gained from the audio clip, I created a series of drawings until I was happy with the form of the one I have uploaded below. I wanted the two middle legs to appear almost like back legs, so when the back of the molefa is covered it appears to be still plausible to stand up like a tripod.
I also did a sketch of the head, trying to find a way of positioning the horns and making them appear 'useful' to the creature, I didn't want them to just be stuck on as a requirement but something that would benefit the Molefa. 

I scanned in the profile sketch of the Molefa so I could do further tweaks and iterations to the form. The next three images below show my process, using Adobe Photoshop I was able to map on wheels and horns without them being 'fixed', allowing me to quickly experiment with different layouts.