Molefa : Rigging

The rigging of the model was not set within the brief but I thought it would improve the visuals for the end renders. I decided to try and rig the model inside Cinema 4D as it is something I have wanted to try (and learn) in the new release of R13. The process of creating the rig and binding it to the mesh was surprisingly easy (but might be because of learning the process the hard way in Blender...) and weight painting the bones was not a problem.

  The hierarchy for the bone setup is shown below :

This is an example of the necks weight painting, interestingly each bone in the model has a different colour for weight painting making it easier to distinguish which piece your working on.

This After finishing the weight painting I began to play around with the bones to see how the weights were working, I ended up going back in to edit some of the transitions between joints to get the pivots slightly more realistic. It also became a challenge to make the accessory conform to the shape of the molefa as it changed in its different rollin positions.