Scaling within textures

I have been thinking about the theory process of producing textures which I could map on to objects to help break up the repetition of the pattern. At the current state of game engines it is still beyond our reach to produce truly procedural textures for terrains or large-scale models, but there are tricks we can use to help break up the noticeable patterns.

My first theory is scaling the normal map differently to the diffuse map, eventually on a flat surface even this will produce a pattern as the resolution of the normal map fits X amount of times within each texture map or vice versa. This trick works much more effectively on an organically shaped mesh, where light will give a greater perception of depth to the mesh, and in turn would shade the normal map differently throughout the model (making a seamless, patternless effect).

My second idea lies within layer masks. I don't know how complex the material system can be, but if I could combine layer masks, scale properties and different diffuse channels together and layer them up on the model to produce a multi-tierd material.