Asset List for UDK Desert level

After my initial block map and sketches I have produced I have wrote a list (that is open to change) of what I require to produce my level to a good standard and involve enough variety to keep the visuals interesting. 

I'm particularly going to focus throughout this project to produce effective normal maps and 3D models that can be used at many different angles and scales to produce a seamless organic environment. I want to look in to UDKs texture editing language to see how I can use the scale of normal maps in relation to the texture maps to break up the repetitive nature of tiling textures. A normal texture will produce the same RGB values no matter what angle it is position on a model, where as a baked normal map will catch different lighting information dependant on its position on the model (I will do a seperate post about this in the future). 


Canyon (Background element)
Soft Rock Wall 
Rough Rock Wall
Stone Wall
Stone Column (Carved)
Large Stone Column (Single)
Large Brick
Sand Stairs
Tomb Support Column
Tomb Support Wall
Tomb Support Wall (With Window)  


Skydome (Background element)
Large rocks x 2
Walkway Set-piece
Broken Rope Bridge 
Organ Cactus
Small Spiked Cactus
Ball Cactus
Four Sided Spiked Cactus
Balloon Cactus
Long Leaf Plant
Circular Puzzle Stone
Giant Swinging Axe

Sand Mound
Sand Stream


Desert Floor (Different textures using cloud layer masks)
Generic Sand Wall NM + Texture
Generic Arizona Stone NM + Texture