Character Development

Since I last posted an update on the cat, it has changed for the better...

I looked at a lot of reference images of cats (which was enjoyable), and realised cats are definitely not stick thin with long stick like legs and empty tummys. They do infact have quite defined features and therefore I went back over the anatomy of my cat using ZBrush and Cinema 4D to get a better weighting to the cat before I began animating.

He also received a re-model and re-texture to the head, I felt for the main character of a game the old cat seemed too 'simple' and blended in too well with the environment. The character needed to feel more defined as it what will be on screen 100% of the time. I looked at my previous work where I'd experimented with different faces, and reworked a previous face I had modeled and discarded in to something I was happy with. He seems more authoritative now - with an edge of seriousness (which helps as he is meant to be the Mayor of the village!).

Accessories later got added within the game engine, I made a quick top hat and monocle and adjusted the texture to incorporate a neat bowtie, collar and cuffs.